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Building Your Email List

An opted in e-mail list is a hugely valuable asset for your practice. You need to remember that there’s a big difference between rented media and owned media. You own an email list – you rent a normal ad. You rent a subscription list from a magazine and you get the privilege of advertising to them with an advertisement. You rent a pay-per-click ad from Google and you show your message in that space.

Rented VS. Owned Media

Always remember that anytime you’re renting space on Google, on Facebook, in magazines and print, you want to make sure you’re pushing them into your list and making their subscribers your subscribers. Once you get someone in your e-mail list, you can market to them for free for the life of your practice.

The more your focus is on getting subscribers into YOUR VIP list, on joining into your service, on getting your special offers, special promotions, special services, that’s got a huge value. Make sure every kind of rented media you’re doing points to your subscriber base and you want to try to make their subscribers into YOUR subscribers. That’s a wonderful way to make an owned asset out of a rented asset.

Pull an EMAIL report from your EMR

Here’s an awesome quick win for your e-mails. Pull an e-mail report from your EMR system. If you haven’t built a good e-mail list yet, call your EMR company and pull every e-mail out of that system as soon as you can.

I’ve met many practices that didn’t have any real e-mail list. We called their EMR company and they had thousands of emails in their list the very next day. In your EMR is every one of your vocal proponents, every one of your vocal advocates, every person who’s ever been into your practice. Find these emails and pull them out of your EMR or practice management software as soon as possible.

Pull an EMAIL report from your practice website

Quick win number two for e-mail is pull a report of lifetime contacts from your website. If your website gets one e-mail a day, that’s 365 e-mails a year. Over 10 years, that’s 3,565 e-mails. It’s a lot of e-mails. 3,500 e-mails. Find the person who’s been fielding your e-mails, get access to that e-mail account, pull out every contact or go to your server, find that e-mail that info @ gets e-mailed to and pull every email that’s ever come through this account. The sooner you get your database together, the sooner you’re creating this hugely valuable practice asset.

Subscribe CALLERS to your EMAIL LIST

Quick win, subscribe callers to your VIP list. Make sure that woven into your practice is the overriding thought that everybody who’s on our e-mail list we can access at will and we can generate thousands of clicks to our website whenever we want. It’s your most valuable practice asset. Make sure everyone’s pointing people into your email system.

Make sure, as part of your phone script you’re trying to harvest prospect e-mails because there’s no more valuable tool and there’s no better way to communicate with your patient base for free. You don’t even have to pay for a stamp.

Connect Your Blog/Website and Newsletters with HOOTSUITE

Quick win, publish to your e-mail list and all social media sites from your blog. If you’re going to bother to do a newsletter, make sure it goes on your blog and then use one these services to broadcast it to all your media channels.

I like Hootsuite. It’s $10 a month but it takes your feed from your website and it serves to Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram – it serves to all these social media sites who have never have to log into them to update them. Your e-mails should go on your blog. Your blog should go to your social media. It’s should be a one-step process.

Track and follow up on CLICKS AND OPENS

Quick win, track clicks and opens for targeted marketing. This is another really cool feature of a good e-mail list. I can see everyone who clicks on a promotion and everyone who opens a promotion. This list, I can tell people who’d have clicked for three and four times, if this was an e-mail about blepharoplasty those people that open and click will be extremely worthwhile to follow up with a special offer or a coupon about blepharoplasty. It tells you a lot about your subscriber base based on what they do with your emails.

Take everyone who open the last e-mail 5 or more times and send them a special promotion. It’s a radical way to immediately jumpstart your practice, to take a look at who clicked, who opened and then shortlist that and contact them by phone.

The most aggressive practices I work with do that and have wild success because someone who opened a specific e-mail 30 times is probably teetering on the edge of getting that service.


Quick win, know when someone opens an e-mail. This is an awesome service from HubSpot. Every time someone opens an e-mail, it pops up in the upper right corner of the screen. If I’m trying to track someone down or get someone into the office or give them a promotion, I call that person right then when they’re looking at my e-mail.

If you ever get a call from me saying, “I was thinking about you” it’s because this service told me that you were looking at my e-mail at that exact moment. That person is always near the phone. They’ve probably got the phone in their hand. They’re reading your e-mail. It’s a huge game changer in terms of figuring out when to contact someone if you’re trying to push them into and convert them into a service.


These two services take your e-mail list and tract it withing your website. They tell you when someone’s on your website reading it and WHO THEY ARE. It removes the layer of visits and tells you actual people based on actual e-mail.

Google Analytics isn’t that big of deal when you look at the quality of stats from KISSmetrics and HubSpot. The ability to track people by e-mail in the site and then watch what they do gives you huge insight into your visitors and huge insight about your patients and the people in your market.

It gives you the ability to really read minds. If you get aggressive on marketing, this has got huge value because you can see what people do, what time they’re doing it and when’s the best time to contact them.