Dr. Kevin Sadati in Newport Beach, CA is using short form video to generate tons of views for his beautiful results.
These videos are getting thousands of views every single day and the reach is only growing.
Even old before and after photos and videos can have new life infused into them by making short videos!
Start using your existing digital assets to create quick videos that people actually watch.
5 great reasons to focus on short form video this year:
1. Reach a Wider Audience: Short form videos are easy to share and can be watched across multiple platforms. This makes it easier for potential patients to find and view them, allowing you to reach more people than with traditional methods of marketing.
2. Engage Viewers: Unlike many forms of written content, short videos can easily capture the attention of your audience. With impactful visuals and audio, they create an immersive experience that encourages viewers to act on what they’ve seen and heard.
3. Build Brand Awareness: Short videos are the perfect way to strengthen brand identity. They provide an opportunity to highlight the unique features of a clinic or practice and differentiate it from competitors.
4. Educate Potential Patients: Short videos can be used to provide educational content that informs potential patients of the benefits and risks associated with plastic surgery procedures. This type of content also helps people make more informed decisions before committing to a procedure.
5. Increase Engagement: By regularly posting short videos, clinics and practices can increase engagement with potential patients. This includes the possibility of receiving feedback and questions that can help hone their message and content for better results. By engaging with viewers on a more personal level, it makes people feel valued and creates a stronger connection between them and the clinic or practice.
By harnessing the power of short form videos, plastic surgery clinics and practices can reach a wider audience, engage viewers, build brand awareness, educate potential patients, and increase engagement. This is an effective way to market the services of a clinic or practice while providing valuable information that helps people make informed decisions.
Click here to learn all your 2023 video options.
MA.A VIDEO FOCUS showcases the best new content in the elective medical space. We feature physicians, companies and new content that is setting the bar globally for video marketing.
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